Imagine young women equipped with practical mind, body & soul practices to ease their transition to college life.
Join Catherine Farley, PT, MPT, for an experiential and impactful evening.
Participants in this workshop will learn how to manage expectations and set realistic goals, try expressive writing and journaling as tools for self-discovery and clarity in decision-making, learn practical tips for creating authentic space for peaceful living, discover the power of your posture and body language, and more!
This is a great opportunity for your rising high school junior and senior girls to learn essential tips and tricks to thrive in a Collegiate environment.
Catherine’s mission is to create meaningful opportunities for those she serves. Through her experiential workshops, engaging author talks, impactful coaching, writing or physical therapy sessions, Catherine provides her clients with practical and life-giving steps to be the best they can be.
June 26th
6:00p -7:30p
Cost: $100 Thrivers receive their membership discount.
Your ticket includes a copy of Desert to Dawn: Reflections to Inspire, Refresh & Renew.