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Thrive Carolinas / Search results for "brain health" (Page 3)


QI GONG- MOVING MEDITATION: FOR BREAST HEALTH, PREVENTION AND RECOVERY FROM BREAST CANCER Qi Gong (Chee Kung) is one of the five baskets of Chinese medicine. The five staples of Chinese medicine are Qi Gong (movement exercise that includes body, breath, and mind) Nutrition Acupuncture Massage (Tui-Na) Herbal remedies. All or most disease according to traditional Chinese medicine comes from blockage or stagnation of the body’s fluids, lymph flow, energy, breath, food, thoughts and emotional issues from the mind. All of these fall under the term “Qi” which is loosely translated as “life force, vapor, steam, and energy”. Most of the Chinese medicine is centered upon the movement and cultivation of our Qi, allowing the body to self-regulate, work in harmony and empower us to help strengthen our...

Power of Rest in Creating Optimal Health and Wellness

Power of Rest in Creating Optimal Health and Wellness Courtesy of the Institute of Functional Medicine Rest is one of the most important factors for creating wellness.  Restorative activities can include mental, physical, and/or emotional activities that help to promote resilience.  Particularly if you are under chronic stress, restful activities can break the cycle of stress and assist you on the path to health.   Knowing that the brain is not static, but instead has plasticity, underlines one of the key reasons to practice restful habits: you can learn to be healthier, happier, and more connected.  Focusing on the process of restoration, rather than current complaints or states, allows you to take charge of your own health and wellness.   Many people turn to televisions, alcohol, or other semi-harmful activities to...

The Health Benefits of Napping

“No day is so bad it can’t be fixed with a nap.” – Carrie Snow  According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults typically need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night in order to function at their very best.  Getting less than 7 to 9 hours for a few nights in a row can have the same effect as staying awake for 24 hours straight.  One way to battle the effects of sleep deprivation is to incorporate daytime napping into your daily schedule.  In fact, the length of the nap and the type of sleep that you get during that nap will help determine its potential health benefits. Here are the Potential Health Benefits that come with a certain Nap Duration. 10-20 minutes: Reduces sleepiness;...

Gargle Your Way to Good Health

by Shelley Butler, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach I have a self care tip for you that you may want to add to your daily routine, and it's basically free! Try gargling!  It may be something you do when you feel like you are coming down with a sore throat, but gargling has other health benefits you may not know about. Gargling stimulates the vagus nerve, which is the nerve that connects the brain to the gut.  It sits right next to the jugular vein.  The vagus nerve is responsible for motility in the intestines, which helps "move" your bowels.  If you suffer from constipation or poor digestion, you may want to consider stimulating the vagus nerve.  The vagus nerve also helps release stomach acid and digestive enzymes, helps...

Carrot Top Pesto

If you are lucky enough to find local carrots with the tops still on don’t throw out the leaves. One of the things I like to make with the leaf tops is Carrot Top Pesto. It is easy, delicious, nutritious, and helps decrease food waste. My recipe uses walnuts for brain health and cancer protection, nutritional yeast for that wonderful umami flavor, and is delicious on pasta, sandwiches or even pizza. Recipe courtesy of our Friends at Pharmacy In Your Kitchen. Please follow them for more delicious recipes! Ingredients: 2 cups carrot tops, no stems, washed 1/2 cup basil leaves packed 1/3 cup walnuts 1/4 cup nutritional yeast 1 garlic clove 1/2 cup olive oil salt and pepper Directions: Place all the ingredients except the oil in a food...

Prioritizing Your Mitochondria

Mitochondria are considered the “powerhouses” of the cell. These organelles, which have their own set of DNA, are believed to be derived from bacteria that took up residence in our cells and provided a symbiotic relationship. Every cell has large numbers of mitochondria however, the cells which produce the greatest energy, like your brain and heart, have the highest concentration. Mitochondria convert food and oxygen to energy in the form of ATP, or adenosine triphosphate. This is the energy source your body uses to fuel almost every biochemical process. During the process of ATP production free radicals or reactive oxygen species are made. This is a normal process and when we are healthy, we can remove these potentially damaging products before significant damage occurs. As we age,...

5 supplements to help intestinal permeability

A healthy life starts in the gut — your gut health impacts your digestive health, autoimmune response, mental health, and more!   Surprisingly, many people suffer from poor gut health. Leaky gut, or the weakening of intestinal permeability, causes digestive disorders and inflammatory immune responses. But there are ways to fight back against leaky gut. Here are five supplements that can prevent the weakening of intestinal permeability, leading to a healthier gut and better overall health.   The cause of intestinal permeability   When the gut is healthy, it has a diverse microbiome and a nutrient-rich intestinal environment. Stress, a poor diet, lack of exercise, and the ingestion of harmful toxins can weaken gut health. These disruptions loosen and weaken the epithelial cells. Without these cells, toxins and digestive waste can...

The Next Blockbuster Drug for Alzheimer’s Disease is Prevention

[caption id="attachment_4832" align="alignleft" width="300"] Dr. Nancy A. Palermo[/caption] Earlier this month the Food and Drug Administration approved the drug Aduhelm (scientific name aducanumab, pronounced add-you-can-you-mab) through its accelerated drug approval program. This is the first Alzheimer’s drug to pass through the FDA in over 18 years which should be a cause for celebration, but many researchers disagree. The drug, aducanumab, produced by the company Biogen, is an IV-infused antibody developed to reduce amyloid plaques in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients. Amyloid plaques are collections of the abnormal inflammatory amyloid protein known to be the hallmark of the disease. While the data from the clinical trials have still not been released, early indications suggest the drug appears to address just the symptoms and not the disease itself … sound familiar? Additionally,...
