
Welcome to Thrive

THRIVE is a collaborative platform of conventional, integrative, & functional medicine practitioners coming together in one setting to provide personalized healthcare to clients.
Working Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 5:00PM EST


M - Th 8a - 5p, F 8a - 4p, Sa 10a - 1p, Su - Closed


6401 Carnegie Blvd, Suite 2A, Charlotte, NC 28211



Whole Health Spring Cleaning

As the flowers bloom and the weather turns warmer, we come out of the winter hibernation and tackle spring cleaning. Nearly 8 out of 10 Americans practice spring cleaning regularly. While clearing up the clutter and the pollen is important this is a great time to clear up some of the unhealthy practices, we allowed in during the winter months. We must tackle these “chores” mindfully to embrace true self-care. Do not think of them as obligatory but rather empowering and liberating. Reducing clutter and unhealthy habits can be beneficial for our mental health and our physical health. Let’s try to embrace this mindset while we tackle the physical jobs. Spring cleaning, like many resets, can be referred to as a “temporal landmark”. These are the times in our...

A Holiday Gift for a Stress-Free Season

As we proceed from Thanksgiving to New Year's, it seems our calendars fill with events and obligations that must be filled into our already overburdened schedules. Because of this, we put our own well-being at the bottom of our to-do list. We can disrupt our normal routines, and once this happens, it is just a matter of time before we are sleeping less, eating poorly, and experiencing personality changes that are even Grinch-like. While it should not be the case, stress is as much a holiday tradition as eggnog and mistletoe. The disrupted daily routines can quickly impact our cortisol balance, which then disrupts sleep and optimal eating, exercise, and stress reduction modalities. This then becomes a self-perpetuating cycle. While stress is inevitable, how we allow it...


Why Do a Detox??

Why Is Detoxing The Body So Important? Here is the cruel reality: our bodies are exposed to numerous toxins each day. These toxins include environmental toxins, chemical pollutants in the air we breathe, and toxins from our food and beverages.  Although your body has an amazing ability to remove these harmful toxins, they continue to accumulate and can have many negative effects on your body. Your organs can become bogged down, and toxicity can manifest in your body through a wide variety of symptoms. Many of the symptoms are vague and persistent. To see if you are experiencing some of the negative effects of your toxic load, consider completing an MSQ questionnaire ( see below ). This may provide you with the motivation to consider a detox...


Thriving Through the Holiday’s Our Holiday Gift Giving Guide

The holiday season is marked by food, family, and, of course, gifts. Gift-giving is not only a big contributor to the stress of the season but also a big contributor to trash and waste. Americans throw out 25 percent more garbage between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and some of the trash includes new Christmas gifts. A little mindfulness during gift selection can help reduce this waste and may also please the recipients more than that last-minute holiday tie purchase. A health-oriented purchase will be the gift that keeps giving. 2023 Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas How About a Book? Books to Inspire 100 Ways to Change Your Life by Liz Moody (Amazon $22.40) The Way Forward by Yung Pueblo (Amazon $13.00) Books/Magazines to Empower One-Year Subscription to Experience Life Magazine Empowering people...


Mindful Thoughts on Gratitude – Our Thanksgiving Gift

“It is not happiness that makes us grateful. It is gratefulness that makes us happy. Every moment is a gift. Whatever life gives to you, you will respond with joy. Joy is happiness that does not depend on what happens. It is the grateful response to the opportunity that life offers you at this moment.” ― David Steindl-Rast Thanksgiving is that time of year when we show gratitude for family, friends, and lives well lived. For a short period of time, we feel happiness-counting our blessings with an overall sense of contentment. Then, when Monday rolls around, it is business as usual. If we reaped any benefits from the holiday weekend, they quickly disappear with the return of stress, negativity, depression, and loneliness. Our lives focus on the materialistic,...

The Science Behind an Apple a Day

The Science Behind an Apple a Day Nancy A. Palermo MD Everyone knows the saying” An apple a day keeps the doctor away” but current research into the power of food shows there are real reasons this powerful fruit might just reduce your doctor visits. Apples are nutritional power houses providing 4 gm of fiber, Vitamin C, and K but more importantly one apple can provide 22% of the phenolic antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that help to neutralize free radicals in the body which can lead to tissue damage. Getting sufficient antioxidants is associated with reduction in cancer cell proliferation, reduction in damage to our DNA, reduction of lipid oxidation and cholesterol reduction leading to reduction in cancer and heart disease. One medium size apple contains less than 100...

More Evidence to Support Primary Prevention in Breast Cancer

More Evidence to Support Primary Prevention in Breast Cancer Dr. Nancy A. Palermo MD A landmark study published in BMJ of Oncology by researchers at the University of Edinburgh looked at the impact of 29 cancers in individuals ages 14 to 49 in over 200 countries over 30 years. The data was disturbing as it showed a 79% increase in the incidence of cancers in individuals less than age 50 over the 30-year period. This accounted for over 3.26 million cases. The researchers postulated that it is not genetic factors contributing to this increase but rather environmental factors like our diet high in processing and added sugars, alcohol use, smoking, physical inactivity, obesity, and environmental toxins and influencers. Our genes have not changed in the past 30 years, but...


The Undeniable Health Benefits of a Plant-based Diet

By Nancy Palermo Lietz, MD “The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame in diet and the cause and prevention of diseases. “ Thomas Edison Americans have an obsession with nutrition, diet, and weight loss. Countless books on the subjects hit the bestseller list, only to be replaced by the next publication in print. It should be no surprise that Dr. Colin Campbell’s book, The China Study, quickly hit the bestseller list. His epidemiologic project demonstrated thousands of associations between dietary factors and disease. The most relevant finding, however, was that those individuals who ate the most animal-based foods had the most chronic disease. More importantly, his findings launched thousands of studies in nutrition that...

Sleep Must Be a Priority

[caption id="attachment_4832" align="alignleft" width="300"] Nancy A. Palermo MD[/caption] Getting quality sleep is foundational for optimal health yet one out of every three Americans is not getting sufficient sleep. This reduction in sleep quantity and quality is leading to an array of health issues including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and mental disease. The conventional approach to sleep issues is a pill but this is not without side effects. Prescription sleep aids are associated with reduced sleep quality and even worse they pose a 5 times greater risk of memory and concentration problems, 2 times increased risk of falls and fractures, and 2 times the great risk of motor vehicle accidents. Long-term use is also associated with parasomnias-abnormal behaviors like sleepwalking, sleep eating, and sleep-driving. Recent data has shown...

Our Diets Are Killing Us And Doctors Aren’t Trained To Help

This article was first featured in The Hill. It was written by Emily M. Broad Lieb, Drs. Stephen DeVries and Walter Willet What if your doctor failed to talk to you about the most important threat to your health? Wouldn't you worry about the quality of your health care? A poor quality diet is a leading cause of death in the United States, but it is unlikely that your doctor has the knowledge even to begin a meaningful conversation about your nutrition or to make an appropriate dietary referral. Most doctors lack the knowledge necessary to offer patients nutrition advice; fewer than 14 percent of physicians report feeling equipped to advise on a diet or the connection between food and health. This is unsurprising given that, for example,...
