
Welcome to Thrive

THRIVE is a collaborative platform of conventional, integrative, & functional medicine practitioners coming together in one setting to provide personalized healthcare to clients.
Working Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 5:00PM EST


M - Th 8a - 5p, F 8a - 4p, Sa 10a - 1p, Su - Closed


6401 Carnegie Blvd, Suite 2A, Charlotte, NC 28211


Dietitian Services

Thrive Carolinas / Dietitian Services

Pan-Seared Cod in White Wine Tomato Sauce

Ingredients: 3 tablespoons Light Olive Oil 4 pieces Fresh Cod Fillets (200-250 grams each) 300 grams Cherry Tomatoes cut in half 1/4 cup Garlic, chopped finely 1/2 cup Chardonnay White Wine Juice of 1 Lemon Fresh Thyme Leaves Salt & Pepper, to taste Directions: Heat oil in a large sauté pan. Season cod fillets with salt and paper. Add it to the pan and cook until golden brown and tender, it will take about 3 minutes on each. Once the cod fillets are cooked, remove from the pan and set it aside. Use the same sauté pan, add more oil if pan is getting dry. Add the cherry tomatoes and cook until they are soft and blistering. Add the garlic and sauté for about a minute. ...

Cooking at Home: A Non-negotiable Tool to Optimize Health

“Any valuable tool should be simple. That does not mean it will be easy, but if does need to be simple.” One of the most powerful tools you must optimize your health is your diet. The only way to truly control your diet is to cook at home. When you cook your food, you know where you got the ingredients and what you put into the recipes. That is why we are so passionate about sharing kitchen ideas and recipes. Even before opening our doors at Thrive, we provided cooking classes at Whole Foods. We know that to aid our patients on their health journey, motivating them to cook is key. Cooking does not have to be intimidating or complicated. The more you make cooking at home a part...


Understanding Creatine

[caption id="attachment_12023" align="alignleft" width="225"] Dr. Amy Fletcher[/caption] Creatine is a naturally occurring compound critical in storing and releasing energy.    Creatine is found naturally in muscle cells and helps direct various physiologic functions by producing a high-energy molecule called ATP. It was first popularized in the 1980s to enhance athletic performance and strength. However, creatine is not just for bodybuilders and elite athletes. There is a growing body of research into its important role in optimizing overall health.     One of the primary considerations is the vital role of creatine in maintaining bone and muscle mass.  This becomes a critical area of focus as we age, whether or not we have athletic goals. All activiies of daily living require adequate muscle strength and stamina and we start to lose...


Our Diets Are Killing Us And Doctors Aren’t Trained To Help

This article was first featured in The Hill. It was written by Emily M. Broad Lieb, Drs. Stephen DeVries and Walter Willet What if your doctor failed to talk to you about the most important threat to your health? Wouldn't you worry about the quality of your health care? A poor quality diet is a leading cause of death in the United States, but it is unlikely that your doctor has the knowledge even to begin a meaningful conversation about your nutrition or to make an appropriate dietary referral. Most doctors lack the knowledge necessary to offer patients nutrition advice; fewer than 14 percent of physicians report feeling equipped to advise on a diet or the connection between food and health. This is unsurprising given that, for example,...

How Does Alcohol Affect Gut Health?

Overindulging in alcohol damages a variety of bodily functions from your liver to your mental health. An often overlooked area affected by alcohol is your gut. But how exactly does alcohol affect your gut and what are the signs your gut isn’t happy with how much you’re drinking?   Alcohol and the Gut   Gut health is about more than your stomach–it can impact your mind, immune system, the risk level for certain types of cancer, and more. Basically, it’s one of the major determinants of health in your body.   When you drink alcohol, it can affect your gut health in two primary ways. First, once it's metabolized, it will enter the small intestine and decrease intestinal permeability. This can lead to a leaky gut syndrome, a condition that can...

The Anti-Cancer Diet: The Power of a Plant-Based Diet

Even before 2020, Americans were getting sicker. Two-thirds of Americans are overweight and over half have a chronic disease, such as diabetes or heart disease. Yet overwhelming data demonstrates that many of these diseases could be prevented by transitioning to a plant-based diet. One of these diseases, which might surprise you, is cancer. An anti-cancer diet is often a plant-based one!   Cancer and a Plant-Based Diet   Multiple studies have linked a plant-based diet to a lower risk of cancer. IGF-1, an ingredient found in animal protein and processed foods, has been known to increase the growth and spread of cancerous cells in adults. Those with higher levels of IGF-1 may have a higher risk of cancer than those who eat a plant-based diet.   Not only that, but longitudinal...

We’re Nuts about staying Healthy – Here’s Why

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t. Nuts are a great way to get a dose of heart-healthy fat, as well as a mix of valuable vitamins and minerals.  The National Center for Biomedical Information states that “by virtue of their unique composition, they are likely to beneficially impact health outcomes.”  Research suggest that regular nut consumption is unlikely to contribute to obesity and may even help in weight loss!  But that doesn’t mean that you should eat handful after handful.  Instead (like most things), moderation is key. Ideally, a serving  should be about the size of a golf ball. All nuts are not created equal. Many are high in fat content. They are one of the natural plant foods richest in fat.  Nuts are beneficial because...

Secrets to Winter Health and Energy

SECRETS TO WINTER HEALTH AND ENERGY Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture and Qi Gong practices believe that human beings should live in harmony with their environment and seasons.  Each season represents an “element” and we have specific ways to balance, restore, maintain and boost your immune system and create harmony in this time of the year.  These treatments and dietary recommendations can help ward off the common cold, flu and help alleviate the blues and depression that can be called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) due to lack of sunshine and exposure.  Some of the best parts of acupuncture are its “side effects”.  These include stress reduction, increase energy and help with sleep disorders such as insomnia. TCM and the winter season: Everything in nature is both Yin and...

Eat Greens Every Day and Build an Internal Rainforest

  Have you ever gone through your week, and realized that you didn’t eat any greens? I used to do this and then would crowd in a salad here or there thinking that was enough. But was it enough?  NO!  We should be eating greens EVERY day, with EVERY meal.  Sounds strict, and I know a plate of greens isn’t as much fun to eat as a plate of French fries.  Let’s move past what our taste buds want and move forward to what our bodies need as a WHOLE. We need greens.  Greens help build your internal rainforest and strengthen the blood and respiratory system.  They act as a systemic purification, or detoxification, for our body, and help to balance our internal pH.  Dark, leafy greens are essential...

March is National Nutrition Month!

We at Thrive are celebrating National Nutrition Month this March! Thrive embraces a food-first philosophy knowing that helping our patients improve their diets' nutrient density - by increasing plant and whole-food intake will improve the overall health of almost everyone!   If you are dealing with a specific health condition, or are an athlete seeking to improve performance and recovery, or are now struggling with weight loss or seek improved mood and energy - nutrition is key.    We believe that by improving your diet, you can often avoid the initial expression of disease and certainly control the progression by optimizing your food choices for your specific needs. We are each unique individuals whose genetics and lifestyle can often dictate if we are diagnosed with a chronic condition. Often medicine...
