
Welcome to Thrive

THRIVE is a collaborative platform of conventional, integrative, & functional medicine practitioners coming together in one setting to provide personalized healthcare to clients.
Working Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 5:00PM EST


M - Th 8a - 5p, F 8a - 4p, Sa 10a - 1p, Su - Closed


6401 Carnegie Blvd, Suite 2A, Charlotte, NC 28211


Health Hints

Thrive Carolinas / Health Hints

The 2024 Clean Fifteen Dirty Dozen List: Your Shopping Necessity

We know we need to eat more fruits and vegetables. Recommendations suggest consuming up to eight servings a day minimum (6 vegetables/2 fruits). However, growing concern over the impact of pesticides and fungicides sprayed on our produce is real and needs to be considered. That is why we are so appreciative of the work done by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit, non-partisan organization that provides individuals with the information they need to live cleaner, healthier lives. Every year they come out with a list of the cleanest, and dirtiest, produce to help guide our buying choices. While buying organic produce is preferred, this is not always an option due to cost and availability. The EWG guide can help steer our choices. In March 2024, they...


Vagus Nerve Regulation

  [caption id="attachment_11875" align="alignleft" width="226"] Dr. Scott Greenapple[/caption] A relatively recent treatment seems to be sweeping across the healthcare industry. Although we have known for many years what the Vagus nerve is responsible for, it is relatively newer information on how many systems are affected by stimulating or increasing what is known as Vagal tone. You would be hard-pressed these days to go to a health conference, read a health magazine, attend a biohacking conference, or visit any social media health website and not find an article or two on the Vagus nerve. Is it possible that this one long nerve in the body can help reduce stress, anxiety, and panic attacks, improve sleep/insomnia, maintain a healthy heart, dampen inflammation, maintain a healthy gut and digestion, increase heart rate...


Grilling: Food Preparation and Toxicity: 2024

There is a lot more attention paid to our food sources and the type of food we eat. We recognize the importance of organic, minimally processed foods and their roles in health and disease prevention. It turns out that how we cook these foods plays an equally important role. When the weather is favorable, many cook meals on our outdoor grill. While small amounts of grilling are acceptable, research has suggested that meats may form carcinogenic chemicals called heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) when charred or cooked over high heat. Epidemiologic studies have linked cooking meats at high temperatures with an increased risk of pancreatic, prostate, stomach, and colorectal cancers. The culprits associated with this risk may be these heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic...


Food As Medicine: Consider the Broccoli Stalk

When your parents told you to eat your broccoli, they were looking out for your best interests. We now know that broccoli has several disease-fighting benefits that can optimize many aspects of your health. Some of this pharmaceutical importance includes its antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer, immunomodulator, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, and cardioprotective roles. We will dive into science a bit, but you will leave this article wanting to crunch on more of this important vegetable. Broccoli, which originated in Italy, is a cruciferous vegetable or brassica, like cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, and cauliflower. Its edible parts include the stem, leaves, and the flowers or head of the stalk. Nutritional Benefits Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamins C, K and A, It also provides important minerals like potassium, calcium and iron when consumed. Vitamins...

Summer “Do’s” and “Don’ts

We hope you and your families enjoy a relaxing and rejuvenating summer. Check out the list of do’s and don’ts we put together below. Our summer here at Thrive is off to a busy start. We are excited for another year of growth and are looking forward to counting to serve you and your families. Don’t Put on Sunscreen… At least for the first twenty minutes, you are in the sun. Vitamin D deficiency is common, with over 80% of Americans being deficient. This is a result of our overreaction to the risk of skin cancer with sun exposure. Vitamin D is important for adequate immune function and control of inflammation, neurological and cardiovascular function, bone-building, fighting depression, and, most importantly, fighting and preventing cancer. The body...


Whole Health Spring Cleaning

As the flowers bloom and the weather turns warmer, we come out of the winter hibernation and tackle spring cleaning. Nearly 8 out of 10 Americans practice spring cleaning regularly. While clearing up the clutter and the pollen is important this is a great time to clear up some of the unhealthy practices, we allowed in during the winter months. We must tackle these “chores” mindfully to embrace true self-care. Do not think of them as obligatory but rather empowering and liberating. Reducing clutter and unhealthy habits can be beneficial for our mental health and our physical health. Let’s try to embrace this mindset while we tackle the physical jobs. Spring cleaning, like many resets, can be referred to as a “temporal landmark”. These are the times in our...

Thrive Big Game Bowl Recipes!

The Big Game is this Sunday… whether you are pulling for San Francisco or Kansas City, we plan to eat… a lot during the spectacle!! Thrive wants you to enjoy this tradition but help you keep the calories down while enjoying flavorful, heart-healthy dishes that your loved ones will love and maybe not miss the chicken wings and pizza. Enjoy our favorite BOWLS this weekend!!! We hope you find one that makes it's way into your weekly routine! [mkdf_button size="medium" type="" text="View Our Bowl Recipies!" custom_class="" icon_pack="font_awesome" fa_icon="" link="https://thrivecarolinas.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Thrive-Detox-Bowl-recipes.pdf" target="_self" color="" hover_color="" background_color="" hover_background_color="" border_color="" hover_border_color="" font_size="" font_weight="" margin=""]...

Are You Metabolically Healthy?

When Americans are asked if they are metabolically healthy, 75% of them will answer yes; however, a recent study (2022) done at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health showed that the metabolic health of Americans is “alarmingly low”. In fact, in the study of over 8700 individuals, the researchers found that only 12% of Americans were metabolically healthy. That means over 1 in 8 or 88% have some degree of cardiometabolic dysfunction. Cardiometabolic dysfunction is based on elevations of blood sugar and insulin, triglycerides, lipids, or blood pressure. The study researchers claimed several reasons for the findings, but one of the most remarkable was that less than 37% were aware of their personal findings despite having regular care. Many patients...


Why Do a Detox??

Why Is Detoxing The Body So Important? Here is the cruel reality: our bodies are exposed to numerous toxins each day. These toxins include environmental toxins, chemical pollutants in the air we breathe, and toxins from our food and beverages.  Although your body has an amazing ability to remove these harmful toxins, they continue to accumulate and can have many negative effects on your body. Your organs can become bogged down, and toxicity can manifest in your body through a wide variety of symptoms. Many of the symptoms are vague and persistent. To see if you are experiencing some of the negative effects of your toxic load, consider completing an MSQ questionnaire ( see below ). This may provide you with the motivation to consider a detox...


Thriving Through the Holiday’s Our Holiday Gift Giving Guide

The holiday season is marked by food, family, and, of course, gifts. Gift-giving is not only a big contributor to the stress of the season but also a big contributor to trash and waste. Americans throw out 25 percent more garbage between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and some of the trash includes new Christmas gifts. A little mindfulness during gift selection can help reduce this waste and may also please the recipients more than that last-minute holiday tie purchase. A health-oriented purchase will be the gift that keeps giving. 2023 Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas How About a Book? Books to Inspire 100 Ways to Change Your Life by Liz Moody (Amazon $22.40) The Way Forward by Yung Pueblo (Amazon $13.00) Books/Magazines to Empower One-Year Subscription to Experience Life Magazine Empowering people...
