Thriver Yoga Spotlight: Angie Davis
What is your superpower at Thrive?
- I teach yoga!
What’s so special about Thrive?
- The environment is nurturing, kind, and supportive.
Where did you grow up?
- Lincolnton, NC
Any Activities/Hobbies outside of Thrive?
- I love spending time with my family (husband, babies, fur babies) and I am in graduate school studying human nutrition and metabolism.
If you could recommend one thing to someone new coming to thrive it would be?
- Be prepared to get wowed! As far as yoga, classes are small, non-intimidating, non-competitive. Instructors are supportive and kind…we are grateful for our students and want to see students achieve his or her goals.
What is your definition of Functional Medicine?
- Addressing the root cause of disease/problem/ailment is essential in functional medicine. As a psychologist studying nutrition, I believe addressing the root cause (not only the symptoms) is extremely important and inclusive of therapy, medicine, and nutrition. It is the only way to achieving sustainable success and wellness. I love that Thrive approaches medicine through holistic modalities, as well as, science.
The best part about an appointment? What is the best piece of information you could give to a new patient?
- Ask questions and relax.
What’s on your Netflix Que?
- Queer Eye…the fab five are my soul sisters!
Dog Kisses on the mouth
- Hell Yes
What does Jordan do that annoys you?
- OMG! His handwriting!! I can never read which check is mine. Otherwise, he is the most perfect, precious human.
What’s your favorite class at Thrive? Why?
- Vinyasa yoga. I love yoga and different yoga flows. Connecting breath with movement feels so good in the body.
If you could have one Super Power, what would it be?
- Strength-physical and mental
Do you believe pineapple should be on pizza? (Gluten-Free, of course)
- No
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