Myofascial Therapy with Lisa Sayegh, RN, BSN, LMT, NC
Lisa, a registered nurse, myofascial therapist, and nurse coach, has been dedicated to making a difference in the lives of her clients for the past 30 years.
Her specialty in bodywork includes myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, and medical massage, and when combined with her traditional medical training, she offers a unique balance of eastern and western medicine, intending to realign and reeducate not only the body but the being within.
The fascia is an intricate web of connective tissue and the most superficial layer of tissue where emotional and physical trauma is often stored in the body on a subconscious level. By applying sustained pressure to restricted areas, Lisa facilitates the potential for profound healing. Myofascial release has many benefits, including relieving pain, restoring motion, and improving sleep, and the process is deeply relaxing.
Monday & Friday appointments are available; Your first visit involves an initial consultation.
This service can be prescribed and covered through traditional insurance in some instances.
Please call the front desk to schedule your appointment.