Get To Know Yoga Instructor Sarah Saxon
We are super excited that Sarah is apart of the Thrive Yoga team and we encourage you to sign up for one of her classes!
Learn a bit more about Sarah in this spotlight!
What is your name?
Sarah Saxon
What excites you about teaching at Thrive?
The chance to connect with students on a one-on-one basis.
What should students in your class expect?
A combination of breath and movement, along with some nice tunes!
What are your hobbies and interests outside of Thrive?
I love spending time with friends and checking out the newest restaurants. I work in communications outside of Thrive.
Do you have children or fur babies?
My dog Finn is a whopping 11 lb blond miniature dachshund. People have told us we have the same hair.
Favorite place to travel?

Stop by Sarah’s class and say hi anytime!!!