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THRIVE is a collaborative platform of conventional, integrative, & functional medicine practitioners coming together in one setting to provide personalized healthcare to clients.
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M - Th 8a - 5p, F 8a - 4p, Sa 10a - 1p, Su - Closed


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A Mindful Christmas Gift List – The Gift of Health

[caption id="attachment_4832" align="alignleft" width="300"] Dr. Nancy Palermo[/caption] By: Dr. Nancy Palermo If the last two years had shown us anything it is that wellness must be a way of life. The pandemic has reminded us that our health must be a priority. Data shows that 94% of those individuals who were hospitalized and diet of COVID had comorbidities like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease and unfortunately this virus is not going away soon. These facts may be the best reason to give gifts for self-care and wellness this year. Your friends and family will thank you and will be appreciative to get a gift that will put them on the right path to health in 2022. We wanted to help you with your Christmas shopping by putting together a...

Breast Cancer Awareness…Prevention

It is impossible to miss the pink ribbons that decorate the month of October. As you know October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. For many women, breast cancer is their most feared disease. The overwhelming “awareness” of the disease which was meant to encourage screenings has only added fear for many women. In Preventative Medicine magazine, 80% of women state they are moderately or very afraid of the diagnosis of breast cancer and rate this as one of their greatest fears. Despite these fears, the reality is 90% of women will never get this diagnosis. Breast Cancer Awareness month was established in 1985 by AstraZeneca, the pharmaceutical company responsible for the development of Tamoxifen and Arimidez, common chemotherapy agents used in the treatment of breast cancer. In the...

Laughter can be the best medicine, particularly during a Pandemic

The last 18 months have been a challenge for all of us in ways we are still understanding. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic left many feeling like victims, powerless against this deadly virus. We became dependent on a government and a healthcare system that used fear to drive our decisions. The exposure of CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester’s death toll ticker was formulated to keep people in fear and to drive up ratings by keeping people glued to the TV. There was no compassion. His explanation? “If it bleeds it leads”. The government and healthcare system have also driven the learned helplessness and victim mentality with promises to “Save the Day” with a vaccine and government funding which will miraculously get us out of the pandemic. Here...

Prioritizing Your Mitochondria

Mitochondria are considered the “powerhouses” of the cell. These organelles, which have their own set of DNA, are believed to be derived from bacteria that took up residence in our cells and provided a symbiotic relationship. Every cell has large numbers of mitochondria however, the cells which produce the greatest energy, like your brain and heart, have the highest concentration. Mitochondria convert food and oxygen to energy in the form of ATP, or adenosine triphosphate. This is the energy source your body uses to fuel almost every biochemical process. During the process of ATP production free radicals or reactive oxygen species are made. This is a normal process and when we are healthy, we can remove these potentially damaging products before significant damage occurs. As we age,...

The Next Blockbuster Drug for Alzheimer’s Disease is Prevention

[caption id="attachment_4832" align="alignleft" width="300"] Dr. Nancy A. Palermo[/caption] Earlier this month the Food and Drug Administration approved the drug Aduhelm (scientific name aducanumab, pronounced add-you-can-you-mab) through its accelerated drug approval program. This is the first Alzheimer’s drug to pass through the FDA in over 18 years which should be a cause for celebration, but many researchers disagree. The drug, aducanumab, produced by the company Biogen, is an IV-infused antibody developed to reduce amyloid plaques in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients. Amyloid plaques are collections of the abnormal inflammatory amyloid protein known to be the hallmark of the disease. While the data from the clinical trials have still not been released, early indications suggest the drug appears to address just the symptoms and not the disease itself … sound familiar? Additionally,...

It’s Not All in Your Head – Unraveling the Root Causes of Anxiety and Depression

Dr. Nancy A. Palermo “The greatest medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it. “Hippocrates It is estimated that over 44 million Americans suffer from mental disease and half of all adults will struggle with mental illness during their lifetime. Depression and anxiety are the most common diagnoses. Women are twice as likely as men to be diagnosed. One in seven women are medicated for depression and anxiety and 1out of 4 are on a medication by the time they reach their forties. Conventional approaches to mental disease focus on imbalances of neurotransmitters with treatment involving medications to increase or decrease the abnormalities. For decades we have been led to believe this chemical imbalance was the cause of psychiatric disease and medicine, the only solution. While there...

Where is a Patient to Go? Planning Unplanned Medical Care

In a perfect world, accidents would only happen during business hours and primary care physicians would manage these problems. Now when a patient has an emergent problem most primary care physicians immediately refer him to an Urgent Care or Emergency facility for treatment. Available appointments with the primary physicians are few and far between. This brings us to the current growth of Urgent Care and Emergency facilities. The public’s demand for immediate access to 24-7 medical care has fueled this growth. The rise in growth started in the 1990s and continues to increase today. The increase in accessibility has made the choices more confusing for patients. With the Affordable Care Act and increased patient deductibles, patients are often influenced by the financial aspects of their care...
