
Welcome to Thrive

THRIVE is a collaborative platform of conventional, integrative, & functional medicine practitioners coming together in one setting to provide personalized healthcare to clients.
Working Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 5:00PM EST


M - Th 8a - 5p, F 8a - 4p, Sa 10a - 1p, Su - Closed


6401 Carnegie Blvd, Suite 2A, Charlotte, NC 28211


May 2020

Thrive Carolinas / 2020 (Page 12)

Qi Gong & Self Massage

QI GONG: Enhance Your Immune System, Decrease Your Stress With this Meditation with Movement https://vimeo.com/418914789 Qi - Gong is an eastern practice of balancing the body, breath and the mind with flowing movements and meditation. "Qi" means "Energy", "Gong" means "To Work".  So, literally we are working with the body's energy to balance and harmonize, allowing the body's natural capacity to turn on the healer within. In this short video we are using a form of massage or tapping to align the three Dan Tiens or what are known as "Elixir Fields".  Aligning these three elixir fields or reservoirs of energy is a great way to begin any Qi Gong or Tai Chi practice.  It is also a wonderful ritual to start and end the day on its own.   There...

Enhance Your Immune System With These Acupuncture Points

Dr. Scott Greenapple With all the media coverage, the daily barrage of political briefings as to what we can do to avoid getting COVID-19 or what will be the best new medicine or vaccine developed; very few if any are speaking about how we can enhance our own immune systems. It is very clear that those who are at the most risk of severe illness or death, for the most part, are those who are older or have a compromised or weakened immune system. This is a common theme amongst most illnesses. If we have a strong immune defense system, theoretically, we have the best chances of fighting off most illnesses, including viruses. If in fact there is a second round of this or another increase...


Telomeres: the new biomarker of health

It has been over 500 years since Ponce De Leon embarked on his quest in search of the Fountain of Youth.  Unfortunately despite our vast expanses in knowledge and understanding of the human body, we have yet to find the holy grail of anti-aging.  Social media and modern-day marketing, complete with a vast array of health tips, biohacking expert advice, dietary gimmicks, and quick-fix solutions, would lead you to believe otherwise.  If only it were that easy!  Staying healthy and aging well is a complicated business but at the foundation, it can be rather simple.  It all comes down to how our cells are aging on the inside that really matters.  Most of us are familiar with tracking our blood pressure, weight, laboratory data, and...

Thyroid Disturbances

https://vimeo.com/407143060   [maxbutton id="4" url="https://thrivecarolinas.com/evisit/" text="Schedule an eVisit!" ] [maxbutton id="4" url="https://thrivecarolinas.com/healthy-life/thrive-online-lecture-series/" text="Download Thrive Lecture!" ] [maxbutton id="4" url="https://thrivecarolinas.com/in-the-kitchen/thrive-online-cookbook-grocery-shopping-list/" text="Download Thrive Cookbook!" ]...

Three Treasures: 5-Minute Mindfulness Technique

Three Treasures:  Three Intent-full Corrections: Jing, Qi and Shen: Aligning the body, breath and mind for stress reduction and immune function enhancement. Join Dr. Scott Greenapple with this short video and practice with Mindfulness Meditation and Qi Gong. Learn how to quickly combine the body, breath and mind into a coherence state for stress relief and overall wellness. https://vimeo.com/412050746 Schedule an eVisit Download Thrive Lectures Download Thrive Cookbook After we come through this COVID 19 pandemic, it is my belief that you will see a strong movement of people taking their personal health and well being more seriously. Come and join Thrive in this Wellness Revolution and empower your self with knowledge and tools for self care and immune support. ...
