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THRIVE is a collaborative platform of conventional, integrative, & functional medicine practitioners coming together in one setting to provide personalized healthcare to clients.
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M - Th 8a - 5p, F 8a - 4p, Sa 10a - 1p, Su - Closed


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Author: Stephen Fogg

Thrive Carolinas / Articles posted by Stephen Fogg (Page 31)

More Than Weight Management

More Than Weight Management Many people who struggle to lose weight no matter what they are doing often find out that they have a problem with their thyroid not producing enough hormone. T3 and T4 are both produced by the thyroid and have significant effects on overall health. However, hypothyroidism does not always present with difficulty losing weight and often, the thyroid can be having problems long before symptoms start to develop. ​Thyroid Symptoms​ Fatigue Increased sensitivity to cold Dry skin Weight gain Constipation Muscle weakness/stiffness/tenderness Depression Impaired memory Thinning hair Enlarged thyroid (goiter) Many, many others People always associate hypothyroidism with weight gain, but most do not realize how large of a role the thyroid plays in so many bodily functions. The above-listed are only a...

Under Pressure: The Hypertension Effect

Under Pressure While everyone has pressure in their lives, some are under far more severe pressure than others. High blood pressure (hypertension) is a condition in which the stress that your blood exerts on the interior of your blood vessels is significant enough to pose potential health risks over the long term. Hypertension can present in a variety of ways, and many have no symptomology at all. ​Hypertension Symptoms​ Headaches Shortness of breath Nosebleeds It is important to note that none of these can point directly to hypertension, but if the pressure is severe enough to have symptoms, it can mean that the pressure is elevated enough to pose significant risk. Luckily, a hypertension diagnosis can be as simple as taking your blood pressure! Blood pressure should be...

A Fountain of Youth at the Cellular Level

A Fountain of Youth at the Cellular Level Nancy Palermo Lietz, MD Since Ponce DeLeon’s unsuccessful search for the Fountain of Youth in 1513, the fascination of maintaining youth has continued. Whether in mythical tinctures or herbs or expensive skin creams the obsession lives on. While aging is a natural inevitability it seems, there are things we can do to compound the process. Our lifestyles filled with processed foods, refined sugars, poor antioxidant intake, inadequate sleep, environmental toxins, technology overload, and unrelenting stress seem to be speeding up the process. In fact, science has shown this to be true. The study of telomeres, the tips on the end of our chromosomes, has provided more information on just how lifestyle and diet can impact our aging process. Telomeres are the...


Monday Motivation | Connecting the Heart, Mind & Brain

Dr. Scott Greenapple discusses connecting the Heart/Mind/Brain communication to help manage daily stress, increase energy and promote well being.     [embed]https://vimeo.com/333358271[/embed] [maxbutton id="4" url="https://thrivecarolinas.com/functional-and-integrative-medicine/thriver-medical-membership/" text="Become a Thriver!" ] [maxbutton id="4" url="https://thrivecarolinas.com/category/monday-motivation" text="Catch Up On Motivation" ]...

Monday Motivation | Embracing Healthy Fats

Registered Dietitian Annette Habecker shares the importance of replacing saturated fats with healthy alternatives like high-quality olive oil & avocados.   [embed]https://vimeo.com/332307133[/embed] [maxbutton id="4" url="https://thrivecarolinas.com/functional-and-integrative-medicine/thriver-medical-membership/" text="Become a Thriver!" ] [maxbutton id="4" url="https://thrivecarolinas.com/category/monday-motivation" text="Catch Up On Motivation" ]  ...

The Power of Rest in Creating Optimal Health & Wellness

Rest is one of the most important factors for creating wellness. Restorative activities can include mental, physical, and/or emotional activities that help to promote resilience.  If you are under chronic stress, restful activities can break the cycle of stress and assist you on the path to health.  By getting unstuck from bad habits you can learn how to be healthier, happier, and more connected.  If you focus on the process of restoration, rather than current complaints or states, it allows you to take charge of your own health and wellness. Some Restorative Activities are Meditation Gratitude Journaling Deep breathing/breathing techniques Activities that are assisted by Restoration Therapies Anxiety, depression, and mood disorders Cancer Asthma Many people turn to television, alcohol, or other semi-harmful activities to counteract stress.  Restoration activities...

Avoiding Toxins in Oral Health Products

In our everyday personal care products, our bodies are exposed to a wide variety of toxins & chemicals. Regrettably, some of these ingredients are commonly found in products that are used for oral health such as toothpaste and mouthwashes. The mouth and gums are specifically prone to absorbing and transporting substances quickly into the bloodstream. Some ingredients that should be avoided are… Triclosan: used as an antibacterial/antifungal agent which can contribute to making bacteria resistant to antibiotics. Sodium lauryl sulfate: can cause canker sores, and cracking at the corners of the mouth. Plastic abrasives or microbeads made of polyethylene and similar plastics are added to many kinds of toothpaste. Microbeads are able to trap bacteria in the gums which can then lead to gingivitis and periodontal disease. ...

Monday Motivation | Dr. Fletcher's Best Reads for Personal Health

Dr. Fletcher shares her top reads for personal health [embed]https://vimeo.com/331994549[/embed]   [maxbutton id="4" url="https://thrivecarolinas.com/functional-and-integrative-medicine/thriver-medical-membership/" text="Become a Thriver!" ] [maxbutton id="4" url="https://thrivecarolinas.com/category/monday-motivation" text="Catch Up On Motivation" ]...

Monday Motivation | Portion Sizes

Dr. Tracy Larson discusses portion sizes and how to be mindful of what you are consuming   [embed]https://vimeo.com/329932134[/embed]   [maxbutton id="4" url="https://thrivecarolinas.com/functional-and-integrative-medicine/thriver-medical-membership/" text="Become a Thriver!" ] [maxbutton id="4" url="https://thrivecarolinas.com/category/monday-motivation" text="Catch Up On Motivation" ]...

The Many Benefits of Eggs

Dr. Amy Fletcher discusses the many benefits of including Eggs in your diet! [embed]https://vimeo.com/329871860[/embed] [maxbutton id="4" url="https://thrivecarolinas.com/functional-and-integrative-medicine/thriver-medical-membership/" text="Become a Thriver!" ] [maxbutton id="4" url="https://thrivecarolinas.com/category/monday-motivation/" text="Catch Up on Monday Motivation" ]...
